The Call To Action as a marketing strategy

A Call to Action, which experts often refers to with the acronym CTA, is an invitation to accomplish an action. It is often a short captivating sentence which transmits a sense of urgency to the reader. “Buy now”, “Ask for information” are just two examples among the most common ones. To become more impressive, moreover, we suggest you build your own in a creative way to sound original and so to make the difference.

A CTA has several aims: it can invite the reader to subscribe to a newsletter, buy a product, sign up for an event, profit of a special offer.
It is often situated in a strategic point of the page, so to be easily visible. Positioning it at the bottom of the page would be uncomfortable for a user because he would oblige him to scroll too down to see it.
Web users are flowed by messages every day, hence it is necessary to create an effective and contemporarily creative CTA able to turn a visit into an actual conversion.

Features of an effective Call to Action

The choice of the right sentence is crucial to lead the reader exactly where you want. Consequently, it’s advisable to follow some practical suggestions being aware of the goal that we want to get.
First of all, it’s suitable to send a short, comprehensible and essential message. It should describe, in an exhaustive way, what a CTA offers. The shortness is necessary to catch immediately the reader’s attention.
In addition, it shall be clear to avoid a possible misunderstanding of the client, and pertinent to respond to his need. In this way, he or she will feel driven to make an action.
Finally, it should communicate an urgency, to avoid a possible delay in the accomplishment of the action. In this way, we would risk losing him or her.

The CTA should possibly contain a benefit, such as, for example, “Subscribe for free”. Wondering what the user could obtain from the required action, means giving him an added value.
The message of our call to action should be written on a button thanks to which the user will be able to answer to our invitation. On an e-commerce website, the button will be used to purchase things, on a business website to create a contact, on a blog to interact with the author of a post and with the other readers.
A Call To Action is a very powerful instrument to turn our visits into conversion. The more they’re convincing, created ad hoc and effective, higher will be the possibilities that our potential clients will click on them.
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